Deep Purple

Deep Purple - VIETNAM
Deep Purple


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 Deep Purple are a British hard rock band originally from Hertford. Formed in March 1968, the group originally included vocalist Rod Evans, guitarist Ritchie Blackmore, bassist Nick Simper, keyboardist Jon Lord and drummer Ian Paice ("Mark I"). Evans and Simper were soon replaced by Ian Gillan and Roger Glover ("Mark II"). When they broke up for the first time in July 1976 the band featured Lord, Paice, vocalist David Coverdale, bassist / vocalist Glenn Hughes, and guitarist / vocalist Tommy Bolin ("Mark IV"). The group reformed in April 1984 with their "Mark II" lineup of Blackmore, Lord, Paice, Gillan and Glover. The current lineup, dubbed "Mark IX", features Paice, Gillan, Glover, guitarist Simon McBride and keyboardist Don Airey.

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